Artist of the Day | THE RESIDUALS






Saskatoon, SK





Jeremy A. Cook
Rick Kroener
Rob McInnis
Paul Runalls

With the current pandemic, the state of the music and touring industry has dramatically changed. Where were you when everything was brought to a halt? 

We were playing at special events and bars, trying to break into the prestigious tweener market at festivals.

How has that affected your plans for the coming months? Did you have a tour planned, upcoming album release?

We were planning an album release. We did it anyway, and are trying our best to promote it online. It's called, "Looking Out for Better Weather".

What have you been doing to fill/make the most of your new-found free time at home?

All of us have lives away from music, and the pandemic has allowed us to simplify our priorities and spend time with family. It has been a nice vacation from ambition.

What was the first thing you did/place you went to now the country is starting to slowly re-open?

Things are still iffy. The gig offers we have are a little worrisome. We miss performing a lot, but if there's a big resurgence, it could silence the music again.

Do you have a message for everyone at home reading this?

When the civil emergency is over, remember to celebrate. One day we will be able to go out, share drinks, dance with each other, and listen to live music without fear. That will be a good day.

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The Residuals

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