Artist of the Day | MICKEY MOONE MURDER





Barrie, ON, Canada


Punk Rock



Mickey Moone (guitars/vocals/writer)
Antoine Pacitto (bass/back ups)
Matt Williams (drums/back ups)

With the current pandemic, the state of the music and touring industry has dramatically changed. Where were you when everything was brought to a halt? 

I (Mickey) was in West Virginia, USA at Mysticon International Film Festival. My sister and I drove down to receive an award for my 2020 music video "In The Light". Although we heard regular news reports on the car radio during our trip regarding an unknown virus (this was at the end of feburary 2020) the true magnitude of the situation had revealed itself a day before we were to come home. We began to hear the rumors of boarder restrictions and shut downs. After an amazing weekend we hit the road and drove 16 straight hours fearing that we would not be allowed back in Canada. We made it!

How has that affected your plans for the coming year? Did you have a tour planned, upcoming album release?

There were several film festivals in 2020 I was invited to attend. I had specific plans to visit New Orleans, USA and London, UK for screenings of "In The Light" as well as solo performances. With so much uncertainty in 2020 the film festivals resorted to virtual showcases . I am absolutely thankful to have my work shown, but it was a disappointment for sure not being able to make the trip.

What have you been doing to fill/make the most of your new-found free time at home? How are you supporting your mental health through all of this?

I have just dived in to full unrestricted creative mode. We (Murder) began recording our E.P. and it was released October 2021. Since I have filmed and edited two accompanying music videos, which radio personal and PR expert Eric Alper has generously helped deliver to broad audiences and mainstream media outlets. Silk screening is a big part of what I do and have made lots of designs. We (Murder) made the most of summer playing safely outdoors when ever was possible. My creativity is what keeps me sane also exercise is good, gotta keep moving!

How are dealing with the Covid fifth wave? Have things locked down again in your region? Have you had to cancel gigs, tours, etc.? Are things reopening & restrictions are lifting in your region? Have you booked any new gigs, tours, etc.? What are your plans for 2022?

We have been working hard locking down dates for 2022, and we have a few performances before the year is up.

Favourite Starlite Room Moment?

The hard Canadian rock!

Do you have a message for everyone at home reading this?

Keep up the positivity, keep smiling, keep on loving. Keep creating and keep sharing your artwork, I hope you'll enjoy what we've made.

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