Artist of the Day | AMANDA MAE





Toronto, ON, Canada


R&B / Soul



Amanda Mae

With the current pandemic, the state of the music and touring industry has dramatically changed. Where were you when everything was brought to a halt? 

I was in the middle of finishing up my first EP "No Distractions" and despite the pandemic and current state of the world, it did not stop me from releasing this project. I told myself that no matter what happens we are going to release this project and that is what I did.

How has that affected your plans for the coming year? Did you have a tour planned, upcoming album release?

Unfortunately all live shows had come to a halt. I thrive off of performing so it was definitely difficult to accept this fact but I was able to perform virtually on multiple platforms which was different but also eye opening as I learned that you can generate a global audience with a virtual presence as well.

What have you been doing to fill/make the most of your new-found free time at home? How are you supporting your mental health through all of this?

I have been focusing on song writing and working on new material in the studio with my producer Rekkzone. I have also been spending alot of time outdoors which has been great for my mental health.

How are dealing with the Covid fifth wave? Have things locked down again in your region? Have you had to cancel gigs, tours, etc.? Are things reopening & restrictions are lifting in your region? Have you booked any new gigs, tours, etc.? What are your plans for 2022?

Yes I have! I have booked a few performances since the reopening and I am so happy about that! As I said earlier I thrive off of performing and its been so great to connect with people in person again. I missed everyone!

Favourite Starlite Room Moment?

I would say this is my favorite Starlite Room Moment and also thank you to the great Eric Alper.

Do you have a message for everyone at home reading this?

Life is too short. Do what makes you happy and don't ever doubt yourself because what you are doubting may just be your superpower.

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