What are Music Industry Associations?
Music Industry Associations are organizations where artists can access information on how to start, build, advance and maintain their careers. In addition to many great things they do they also lobby on the behalf of artists to ensure Canadian Content Development funding is used in ways that best suit the needs of emerging and established artists in their respective region. This vlog gives an overview of why you should be a member of an MIA but make sure to visit your Music Industry Association to learn about the benefits specific to your province.
Yukon - www.MusicYukon.com
Northwest Territories - www.MusicNWT.ca
British Columbia - www.MusicBC.org
Alberta Music - www.AlbertaMusic.org
Saskatchewan -www.SaskMusic.org
Manitoba - www.ManitobaMusic.com
Ontario - www.Music-Ontario.ca
Quebec - www.ADISQ.com
New Brunswick - www.MusicNB.org
Nova Scotia - www.MusicNovaScotia.ca
Newfoundland - www.MusicNL.ca
PEI - www.MusicPEI.com
Filmed & Edited by Arlo Maverick
Music by J. Soul - @csproducto